White Screen of Death. 404 errors. Internal Server Errors. SSL issues. Database connection errors. Failed Updates. WordPress websites fail for many different reasons. Troubleshooting the problem can send you down an endless rabbit hole of FAQs, tutorials, and videos and while some of the advice is good, a lot of it is not. Meantime, your site is STILL down, costing you time, customers, and credibility.
I provide emergency rescue services for your WordPress website and will get you back up and running quickly!
You will need to know these usernames and passwords before I can start working resolve your website’s problem:
- WordPress
- Web Host
- Domain Host
If you don’t have one or more of these items, I will help you retrieve them so we can get to work!
I can get most sites back up in less than an hour but it may be with the default theme or disabled plugins. Often, your website has crashed because a plugin is not compatible with your theme or your server has updated and your theme is no longer compatible with a new version of PHP. Whatever the problem, I’ll explain what caused it and how I fixed it, then we can decide if you want to finish the repairs yourself or if you want me to continue working to fix the underlying issues.
Occasionally, the problem is much bigger than a failed theme or plugin – you may have been hacked, accidentally deleted your database, theme files, or even your entire web directory. These problems will take a lot longer to resolve – especially if you don’t have a backup – and I’ll let you know right away if we are looking at more than an hour of work to bring your site back up.
White Screen of Death. Database connection issues. Update failures. 404 errors. Your site is down and you don’t know why or how to fix it.
I am here for you. Get in touch with me right now so I can get you up and running!
The initial ‘service call’ is $125. Once your site is back up and the immediate emergency is resolved, further services are billed at $75/hour. I prefer to work from my computer but can remote into your computer to perform the rescue operation if you are nervous about sharing your logins with me.
I am available most days from 6AM to 9PM EST. If you contact me between 9PM and 6AM EST, I’ll be in touch promptly the next morning – otherwise, you’ll usually hear back from me in an hour or less.